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9th vLanguages 2018

Page history last edited by Heike Philp 5 years, 11 months ago


9th vLanguages 2018 

as part of Virtual Round Table Web Conference 2018


Link to the program 

Link to download the program in pdf format



Saturday, 28 April 2018 11:30am  GMT


Helena Galani

It's anyone's game: keep it flowing

RECORDING (32 min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/pgq9bcg2jjl2/


Is it feasible to teach language through ELT games in social Virtual Worlds? What parameters and mechanics of game design are taken into account when creating language games in-world? During this presentation, we look at examples and simple ways of ensuring game flow by integrating language pedagogy with virtual world technologies, as an integral part of teaching at all levels of language

education. Meeting point: EduNation 



Helena Galani [ErlinaAzure]​ holds an RSA Diploma, M.A. in ELT (Applied Linguistics), and certification in the skills of Teacher Training and advanced ICT skills. As qualified adult educator, Helena has been blending and flipping her classes in Virtual Worlds. She has also taught EFL and trained teachers for INDIRE on edMondo. As moderator during EVO ViLLAGE, Helena presented on the usefulness of designing games and Interactive Scenarios in ELT through Virtual Environment. For longer than 27 years, she has been implementing CALL into her teaching in the fields of TEFL, with EFL schools and Adult Education

Centre in Greece, as private tutor, with formal assessment bodies, or on UK University EAP courses. As EduNation resident and CAMELOT Award winner in 2015, Helena supports the educational value of VWs environments through learner and teacher machinima. At conventions, she highlights different aspects on the value of 3D VWs and machinima in language teaching.


David Richardson

Still going strong ...

RECORDING (42min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/podha28cl6vm/


The Business Talking 5 European Credit course from Linnaeus University, run in Second Life, is in its 21st cycle, having been run every semester since spring 2008. The students are almost all newbies and have joined the course 'just' to improve their spoken English and presentation technique. The fact that the course runs entirely in Second Life often comes as something of a shock for them. The presentation looks back at how the students have coped with a virtual environment over the years and looks forward to the future of virtual environments in the university world, especially for courses and programmes that have a global intake (from Tasmania to the Arctic Circle).


David Richardson [David Rinkitink] ​is a teacher of English at Linnaeus University, Sweden. He has been teaching EFL since 1980 in a number of countries, including Sweden, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.



Saturday, 28 April 2018 2 GMT



Games Used IN Engaging Virtual Environments for Real-time language Education

Moderation: Michael Thomas 

RECORDING (1h44min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/p5xjjlgue8ac/


The GUINEVERE Project (Games Used IN Engaging Virtual Environments for Real-time language Education, 2017-2019) aims to demonstrate the potential of digital game-based learning in 3D immersive environments in order to improve teaching.


Dr. Michael Thomas BA (Hons) Cert. TESOL M.Ed. MBA Ph.D. Ph.D. FHEA FRSA is a Reader and Associate Professor in Digital Education and Learning in the School of Language and Global Studies at the University of Central Lancashire. He is the course leader of the MA in TESOL with Applied Linguistics by E-Learning and course leader of a BA (Hons) degree in intercultural business communication by blended learning. He has held academic positions at universities around the world including the University of Heidelberg (Germany), Nagoya University of Commerce & Business (Japan), Stuttgart University (Germany), Mannheim University (Germany) and the University of Liverpool (UK).  His research interests are in computer-assisted learning, task-based learning, online and distance education and education policy. He is the lead and founding editor of three book series, Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching (Bloomsbury/Continuum), Digital Education and Learning (Palgrave Macmillan), and Advances in Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (ISR). He is associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, general editor of the Journal of Second Language Teaching & Research, and has guest edited over 10 peer reviewed special editions on language learning and technology. He is the author or editor of 18 books, over 50 refereed articles and book chapters, 50 conference presentations and keynote addresses and over 100 professional publications in the field of digital education. He has organized over 35 international conferences on computer-assisted learning in the UK, Germany and Japan.


Letizia Cinganotto is a full time Researcher at INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research), Rome. She holds a BA in Foreign language Teaching, MA in e-Learning and multimedia Learning and in Moodle, and PhD in Linguistics on Clil (Content and Language Integrated Learning). She has far-reaching experience in continuous Professional development for teachers, Teacher trainers, Head teachers (blended courses, on the job, workshops) in the Italian context and also in international communities of peers on Clil, language Teaching, Technology Enhanced Language Teaching (TELL), immersive teaching and learning of English, and Linguistics.


Dr. Tuncer Can completed his MA at Istanbul University in 2004 on "Constructivism and Training of Pre-service Foreign Language Teachers". In 2005, he was granted a Fulbright Scholarship and he spent two terms at Syracuse University, NY, USA, where he taught Turkish via videoconferencing for one year. In 2008, he took part in a project at Istanbul University in the Faculty of Education, English Language Teaching Department, on the implementation of MOODLE in the training of pre-service foreign language teachers; a project was funded by Istanbul University Scientific Research Center. He completed his PhD at Istanbul University in 2011 on "Using Foreign Language Learning Strategies in the Context of Lifelong Learning and Plurilingualism". Dr. Can also has taken part in three EU Projects. (1) CAMELOT, (2) INTEGRATION OF YOUNG REFUGEES Using mobile devices leading to better language acquisition and relevant career / YouRNI, and (3) TABLIO on the use of tablets for classroom differentiation and inclusion/ TABLIO.


Heike Philp is CEO of let’s talk online sprl is an edtech and immersive learning integration specialist. Philp co-initiated four European funded projects on teaching and learning a language in real-time at a distance: LANCELOT (LANguage learning with CErtified Live Online Teachers), AVALON (Access to Virtual and Action Learning live ONline) and CAMELOT (CreAting Machinima Empowers Live Online language Teaching and learning) and GUINEVERE (Games Used IN Engaging Virtual Environments for Realtime language Education). Philp founded and organizes several web conferences, Virtual Round Table (language learning technologies) DaFWEBKON (teachers of German), SLanguages Annual Symposium. She co-owns EduNation islands in Second Life.


Carol Rainbow holds a B Phil Ed (hons) Warks and taught English and Music in schools for many years. With the introduction of ICT in education, she became a teacher trainer and ICT Coordinator and went on to become an ICT Consultant for Oxfordshire LA working with teachers to make sure ICT plays a key role in enhancing pupil education in Oxfordshire schools. Currently Carol is on online tutor for The Consultants-E, teaching language educators from all over the world how to use technology to enhance their teaching or to teach online. She has been using Virtual Worlds as a teaching platform for the last eight years for teaching ESL and e-safety having also been a moderator of many EVO sessions about using Second Life for education, machinima and games making. Over the last five years Carol has worked for the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) on two EU Projects:  CAMELOT and now GUINEVERE. Her interest are working in virtual worlds, currently mostly Minecraft, to investigate how they can be best used to engage learners. She also loves making and sharing digital stories through machinima making.



Saturday, 28 April 2018, 5:30pm GMT



Rohan Freeman and Ulli Berthold

Moderator: Heike Philp

RECORDING (1h12min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/pzbjfehb9681/


Sinespace is a multi-user, next-gen virtual world platform. Built on top of the Unity 3D engine, it is the most graphically powerful and feature complete platform around. Sinespace is the flagship project of Sine Wave Entertainment, who are one of the founders of OpenSim, now widely regarded as the open standard for virtual worlds.


Rohan Freeman, Chairman

Before founding Sine Wave Entertainment, Rohan was a director of Europe’s largest media investment company, Ingenious Media Plc. He has written extensively on the economics of media and entertainment for the Financial Times, Deloitte Consulting and Forrester Research.


Ulli Berthold has been developing business applications, both in real life and virtual environments, for over two decades. Currently he is starting up two new services based on Sinespace, one being an easy to use system to create Virtual Conferences and Trade Fairs, called Virtual Expo. ViWoLe, the VIrtual World of Learning being the other one, an educational virtual environment aimed at K12 students worldwide.




Sunday, 29 April 2018, 12pm GMT


Jean-Paul DuQuette, Ed.D.

A Decade in Cypris Chat

Moderation: Scott Grant aka Kaylee West


Why do some volunteer language learning communities in Second Life die out and others remain? What affordances of virtual learning and teaching resonate with students and staff? Is there something in learner backgrounds that makes Second Life an appealing learning site to certain individuals but not to others? Jean-Paul DuQuette will explore these questions and others in his examination of Cypris Chat, an English language learning community founded in 2008. Utilizing nearly a decade of ethnographic participant observation, numerous interviews with learners and staff, and recordings of both formal and informal learning interactions within the community, DuQuette will present an analysis underlining the primacy of socializing, affective motivation and and the importance of learner histories. He will also situate Cypris within an adaptation of Wenger, White & Smith's (2009) "digital habitats" framework for successful online communities and suggest solutions for perennial challenges for technology stewards and group leaders within the greater Second Life community.


Jean-Paul DuQuette aka Dr. Duke van Acker, Ed.D has studied learning within Second Life since 2008. He received his M.A. in English as a Second Language from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and completed his dissertation on language learning in Second Life for Temple University, Philadelphia in 2017. Since 2016, he has been conducting ethnographic research on Second Life's Firefly Companion's Guild, with a focus on how role-play and gamification can be integrated into learner-centered curriculum.




Sunday, 29 April 2018, 2pm GMT



Moderation: Vance Stevens


Priscila Mateini

Engaging (Special Educational Needs) students with Minecraft

RECORDING (34min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/p9sf5qrgdsb7/


This presentation will show how a Project Based Learning (PBL) using Minecraft video game engaged students of 8th grade in a Private School in the outskirt of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil,  with special educational needs in an inclusive environment.  The project is working with Minecraft during their English classes as a tool of communication, learning and interaction with the whole classroom. The idea of storytelling in a virtual world is to motivate the students to create their own story, share with their classmates and discuss how the game helped them to work as a team. The aim of this project is to raise awareness about inclusive education; motivate social skills, authenticity and reflection with the whole classroom.


Priscila Mateini has 9 years' experience in teaching EFL to children, teenagers and adults in Brazil. She holds a B.A. in Languages, TKT-KAL certificates. She has been involved in Special Educational Needs for 7 years. She has been already given workshops in the field of Special Needs in Brazil and participation in some International Conferences, forums, webinars, blogs and talks about teaching SEN and Inclusive education in Brazil, Japan, Croacia, UK, and Belgium including (British Council (2014, 2017) iTDi summer course (2014, 2015) and ETwinning inclusive group Europe (2015, 2016, 2017).  She is currently MA researcher on Inclusive Education on focus on adapted material for SEN. She teaches at UFRJ and lives in Rio de Janeiro.



Preparing Teachers to Engage Learners with EVO Minecraft MOOC

Vance Stevens, Jane Chien, Mircea Patrascu, Dakota Redstone

RECORDING (51min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/p5g9gnagqi6l/


Electronic Village Online (EVO) is an annual, free, series of 5-week sessions where teachers share with other teachers how they can improve their skills in a wide variety of aspects of their craft. EVO Minecraft MOOChas been a TESOL Electronic Village Online session since its inception in 2015. Having just completed its 4th consecutive year as a viable and expanding EVO community of practice, co-moderators and participants in EVOMC18 will conduct participants via Adobe Connect on a virtual tour in Minecraft to convey an impression of what this community looks and feels like when it assembles virtually in-world. At our presentation they can learn how Minecraft enables language learning, have their questions answered, or even join the community if they wish.


Vance Stevens, Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE is an EFL teacher in Al Ain, founder of Webheads in ActionHe is an EVO coordinator (since 2002), founder of the podcast series Learning2getherand On the Internet editor for TESL-EJ where he and co-moderators have co-authored an article on Minecraft and Language Learning.


Jane Chien, who has taught pre-service EFL teachers for 12 years, is an assistant professor at the National Taipei University of Education. She is currently a visiting scholar at UCF, Orlando. She advocates that learners' agency in Minecraft promotes English language learning.


Mircea Patrascu is an IT professional teaching kids to code during his free time. He loves to play Minecraft, but he also uses it as a learning environment for Scratch and JavaScript.


Dakota Redstone's real-world avatar was an Instructional Developer at a state university for 15 years, supporting faculty use of technology in the brick & mortar and online classrooms. His interests run the gamut from A to Z and go back to punched paper tape storage, pencil and paper role playing games, and painting on cave walls by torchlight.


For more information on this presentation, see






How to survive in Minecraft

Sunday, 29 April 2018, 3.30pm GMT


Carol Rainbow

RECORDING (41min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/pd5uhrwos17h/



Registration is required http://vrtwebcon2018.eventbrite.com

Seating is limited (max. 15)

Hardware/ Software required

Purchase Minecraft software by Mojang (about 25 USD)

Add server: mc.guinevereproject.eu




Virtual Reality

Sunday, 29 April 2018, 5pm GMT




Moderation: Sophia Mavridi/ Heike Philp

Introduction to LTSIG by Sophia Mavridi, IATEFL LTSIG Coordinator


Sarah Rogerson

The potential for VR and AR in the language classroom

RECORDING (55min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/pklbetpkmc7j/


New technologies afford new possibilities to language learning and assessment. The power of Virtual and Augmented Reality holds enormous potential for the language classroom in terms of immersive, situated learning and assessment. This talk will explore why and how these technologies should be incorporated into language learning and assessment to engage and motivate the 21st century student.


Sarah Rogerson leads the Assessment Development team at Cambridge Assessment: English. She is a passionate advocate of using new technologies for widening access to learning and assessment and has pioneered the use of immersive technologies for reducing language test anxiety. Her thoughts on the potential of immersive technologies in language learning can be seen in the chapter: Imagining the potential for using Virtual Reality technologies in Language Learning in the 2017 TIRF volume. Currently studying for an MSC in digital education, she works across a suite of innovative products aimed at reimagining how we assess language.


Integrating Virtual Reality to EFL teaching

Raquel Ribeiro     

RECORDING (35min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/pem3g97csdxx/


What is your understanding of Virtual Reality? How far can we take our students in their LX learner experience of EFL?

In this workshop I intend to share with the audience how to make the integration of VR-based task with language development purposes as a target and have the participants experience the learner perspective.


Raquel is an EFL teacher and EdTech blogger from Brazil. She is a lecturer and teacher trainer on the field of mobile technology for educational purposes. She is also a sub committee member for the IATEFL learning Technologies SIG, an Innovator and Mentor certified by Google as well as an EFL teacher at Cultura Inglesa Sao Paulo, Brazil.

She is passionate about the potential technology has to enhance the learning and to promote the inclusion of blind and visually impaired students.


Twitter @Rach_Ribeiro



Heike Philp

Back to the future: From virtual worlds to virtual reality

RECORDING (24min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/pc3pspzxrfu1/


From virtual worlds to virtual reality is a journey into the history of 3D environments. It talks about prims and mesh, facts and fiction, ease of use, features & co. During her talk, Heike Philp, co-owner of EduNation in Second Life and ‘inworlder’ since 2006 will outline 10 years of research and development of language teaching and learning in immersive environments.

 After a brief jump back in time, the presentation will continue to explore immersive learning through Virtual Reality. What are the affordances of VR and what are the constraints? How does VR differ from virtual worlds? How can VR be explored for languages learning and how can it be used in a classroom setting, given the fact that perhaps only one high end VR headset (Occulus/ HTC Vive etc.) might be available?


Heike Philp CEO of let's talk online sprl in Brussels, a live online technology provider in the field of language learning in real-time via internet. She is co-initiator of EU funded LANCELOT, AVALON and CAMELOT and her latest project GUINEVERE about language games in virtual environments started in Dec 2017.



Öznur Özdal, Ege Kumlalı, Ekin Küçük, Batuhan Küçük


RECORDING (32min)http://lancelot.adobeconnect.com/p77mtx9pivs9/


Alchemist is an educational game that takes advantage of the immersive structure of VR and creates an exciting and unique experience for the language learners. The demo has a magical theme that provides three different levels with three different modes of interaction to teach players Spanish vocabulary. This game was the winning application of a Hackathon in Istanbul by Goethe Institut. The winners were invited to present their VR game in Berlin.


Öznur Özdal is a Spanish teacher and a student in Game Design M.A. program in Bahçeşehir University. She studies to work as a game content / narrative designer. She is also interested in audio design.

Batuhan Küçük graduated from the animation department of Plato School of Visual Arts in 2014. He works as a 3d environment artist.

Ege Kumlalı is a student in game design M.A. program in Bahçeşehir University. She works as a 3d designer.

Ekin Küçük is a computer engineering student. He works as a programmer of core game mechanics.




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