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For the results of the EVO session 2022 "Immersive Building in Virtual Worlds and Virtual Reality" please click HERE 





Immersive Learning 


in the Metaverse 


coming soon: 9 Jan - 12 Feb 2023




During the 5-week EVO session ‘Immersive Learning Experiences in the Metaverse’ participants learn to build learning experiences in the metaverse (virtual worlds and Virtual Reality VR). These learning experiences can include but are not limited to quests, simulations, treasure hunts, quizzes, mazes, games or similar engaging experiences in 3D environments. This calls for finding prompts, realia or even creating our own 3D objects, scenarios, learning environments, galleries and more for various spaces such as OpenSim, Frame VR, Mozilla Hubs, AltspaceVR, ENGAGE XR, etc. We set out to learn Blender, MakeHuman or similar 3D objects modelling tools.



Target audience:

This session is aimed at experienced language educators, language course designers, and webheads.  Those without experience in entering and navigating virtual worlds will be able to observe our live sessions in Zoom and we provide help with setting up and orientation for new ones. 



Session objectives: 

By the end of this session you should:


  • Know how to build learning experiences in virtual worlds and VR

  • Have learned to import or create 3D objects 

  • Have learned to import 3D objects into a variety of 3D environments

  • Have understood some learning experience design principles




Week 1: (January 9 - 15) 

Live Session 1 (Thursdays)

Examples of various learning experiences by the moderators

Live Session 2 (Sundays)

Mozilla Hubs and its buildung tool Spoke



Week 2: (January 14 - 22)

Live Session 1 (Thursdays)

Learning experiences in frameVR

Live Session 2 (Sundays)

Learning experiences in AltSpaceVR




Week 3: (January 23 - 29)

Live Session 1 (Thursdays)

Learning experiences in OpenSim

Live Session 2 (Sundays)

Learning experiences in OpenSim



Week 4: (January 30 - February 5)

Live Session 1 (Thursdays)

Creating, searching for and 'decimating' 3D objects in Blender or other 3D software

Live Session 2 (Sundays)

Learning experiences using an HMD (VR headset) 




Week 5: (February 6 - 12)
Show & Tell of learning experiences created by participants




Our main learning space is Canvas Free for teachers  and there you will find more information about how to join ... 


  • our OpenSim region called EduNation which is located in Kitely

  • our Wiki Space for all of the publicly available resources

  • and Zoom for the synchronous sessions 

  • various YouTube video tutorial 


For enrollment instructions, please scroll down.  

Other technology tools: 

OpenSim, FrameVR, Mozilla Hubs, AltspaceVR, ENGAGE XR, (Immersive environments)

Blender, MakeHuman or similar 3D objects modelling tools.



Join this session: (To be completed during Moderator Professional Development, Oct. 16 - Nov. 13, 2022) 
Registration Jan. 1-7, 2023.
For participants to join this session:

  • To register, go to (URL) XXXX
  • Enroll in (URL of the course); use the join code XXXX.





Moderators and guest speakers


Name (last, first)

Email address


(country of residence)

Institutional Affiliation


(max. 50 words


Dr. Sadler, Randall

rsadler [at] illinois [dot] edu


University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Randall Sadler [aka Randall Renoir] is Associate professor at  Illinois University, head of the Virtual Worlds SIG of CALICO. He is a TESOL member and co-owner of EduNation islands in Second Life. Book author of ‘Virtual Worlds for Language Learning: From Theory to Practice (Telecollaboration in Education)’, Randall Sadler, published by Peter Lang AG, Switzerland, Dressman, M., & Sadler, R. (Eds). (2020). The Handbook of Informal Language Learning. Malden, MA.: Wiley-Blackwell, Nurmukhamedov, U. & Sadler, R. (Eds.) (2020). New Ways in Teaching with Games. Alexandria, VA: TESOL. Press
Heike Philp heikephilp [at] gmail [dot] com Belgium let's talk online sprl 

Heike Philp is CEO of let's talk online sprl, an immersive education specialist for language teaching and learning. She is co-initiator of EU funded LANCELOT (virtual classroom), AVALON (virtual world), CAMELOT (machinima for language teachers), GUINEVERE (games in virtual worlds) and EXCALIBUR (building in 3D). She is founder of the Virtual Round Table Conference and co-owns EduNation in Second Life and OpenSim.


Dr. Doris Molero doris3m [at] gmail [dot] com Argentina  

Dr. Doris Molero (Ed.D) a.k.a Pionia Destiny is passionate about language learning, instructional design, and related educational technologies, specifically 3D Multi-User Virtual Environments for situated, experiential learning.  She has been involved in virtual worlds since 2007 after been invited to join Webheads in Action for EVO Village. She has been part of different communities of practice as an organizer, presenter, or volunteer in VWBPE, Camelot project, Edunation, NANEC, Virtual Pioneers, INDIRE on edMondo, SLMOOC, and VWMOOC. Roleplaying in virtual worlds taught her about creating and telling stories in communities as Avilion, Sylvhara, and Artstonia.  She has had the chance to work on different projects with her students. Her latest adventure is a Transmedia Storytelling language learning series called Virtually Anywhere. 


Dennis Newson

djn [at] dennisnewson [dot] de





Dennis Newson [Osnacantab Nesterov] M.A. (Cantab), P.D.E.S.L (Leeds), taught EFL in Africa, Arabia, Norway, and Germany in middle schools, secondary schools, teacher training colleges, a technical university, and an arts university. He was consultant for short periods in Bosnia and Kosovo, and conferences have taken him to Poland, Hungary, Las Palmas, Russia, and England. He has developed his interest in SL since his alleged retirement.   In Second Life he is known as Osnacantab Nesterov.  


Helena Galani helenagalani2010 [at] gmail [dot] com Greece  

Helena Galani [ErlinaAzure in SL] holds an R.S.A. Diploma, M.A. ELT (Applied Linguistics), and certification in teacher training and advanced ICT skills. As accredited TESOL educator and tutor, Helena has been blending and flipping her classes in Virtual Worlds. She has also taught EFL and trained teachers for INDIRE on edMondo. As moderator during EVO ViLLAGE & vLanguages, Helena presents on the usefulness of designing games, Interactive Scenarios and Transmedia Storytelling experiences in VWs for ELT/EAP.  As EduNation resident and CAMELOT Award winner in 2015, Helena supports the educational value of VWs through learner and teacher machinima. At Conventions, she highlights different aspects on the value of 3D VWs and machinima in language teaching. With her classes, Helena also implements Transmedia narrative to bring educational material to life in OS, SL and VR applications. 

Helena Galani


Amany Alkhayat aa4396 [at] tc.columbia [dot] edu US  

Amany Alkhayat is a doctoral student in the Instructional Technology and Media program, TC Columbia University. She earned her first MA in TEFL from the American University in Cairo and her second MA from the Instructional Technology and Media program, TC Columbia University. She's the founder and chair of the Technology Enhanced Language Learning SIG at NYS TESOL, USA. She's a Udemy instructor teaching more than 5K students. She’s also the CEO of Linguatech Inc and Speekit learning app. Her research interests are focused on Technology in the classroom, designing technology assisted learning/intervention, using conversational agents/chatbots in the EFL/ESL Classroom, and Digital Storytelling. Her 2017 book chapter is in the edited volume, Teaching English Reflectively with Technology, by Dr. Hubbard and Dr. Ioannou-Georgiou and entitled Exploring the Effectiveness of Using Chatbots in the EFL Classroom. In 2017, She self-published a Kindle ebook, Become a Tech Savvy Teacher: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Technology and Improving Students’ Scores.   

Barbara McQueen bmcqueen2 [at] gmail [dot] com US  

Barbara McQueen [aka Barbara Novelli] has an M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. She has been an accomplished builder and teacher in Second Life and Open Sim for more than a decade. This includes building two mega worlds in Kitely for teaching English: Edutopia I and Edutopia 2. She has also been contracted by private companies to build additional objects, buildings, and conference sites, and she has created over 500 products available on the Kitely Marketplace. As the owner of SLESL.net, she continues to develop a wide range of virtual ESL courses that make use of situational role-playing, games, mysteries, machinimas, and special events. During her career, she has taught ESL students and instructors on five continents, and has been a conference presenter for TESOL, VWBPE, SLanguages, and MachinEVO.

bmcqueen2 [at] gmail [dot] com

Georgia Maneta
georgiamat@yahoo.co  Greece       




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